Please note that English muffin orders are shipped Monday-Wednesday and should be placed before 2:00pm EST for same or next day shipment. *WE SHIP NATIONWIDE!*

Pork Roll, Egg and Cheese Recipe

By Olivia Weale

This vegetarian version of the classic pork roll, egg and cheese recipe is made with Plant Provisions Smokehouse deli slices, which are made from beets, chickpeas, black pepper, garlic and hickory smoke. That said, these plant-based deli slices were the perfect plant-based substitution for pork roll, or taylor ham. I combined it with a soft scrambled egg, melted cheddar Cabot cheese, and a well toasted vegan sourdough "Multigrain" Dam Good™ English Muffin. No preservatives.

For added interest, Pork roll, also known as Taylor Ham, was developed by John Taylor in Trenton in 1856. Taylor was a state Senator and well-known businessman from Hamilton Square, and he invented the cured meat with a mix of spices, salt, a sugar cure, and preservatives, and smoked it before packaging it.

Pork Roll, Egg and Cheese Recipe: 

What you'll need:
  • 1 vegan sourdough "Multigrain" Dam Good™ English Muffins
  • 1 slice of Plant Provision's Smokehouse Deli Slices
  • 1 egg
  • 4 slices of Cabot Cheddar Cheese
  • 1 slice of butter
  1. First, pre-heat your pan on medium heat
  2. Then, fork-split your preservative-free, gourmet English muffin and toast it
  3. Crack the egg into a small bowl and scramble it with a fork
  4. Next, fry the slice of plant-based "Pork" roll
  5. Then, cook the egg on both sides and layer the cheese on top to melt and the slice of "Pork" roll
  6. Assemble the sandwich and enjoy!

If you want to make this taylor ham, egg and cheese sandwich totally vegan, swap out the egg for a plant-based egg and the Cabot cheddar cheese for a vegan cheese.

Plant-based egg brands:
  • JUST Egg
  • Simply Eggless
  • The Neat Egg
Vegan cheese brands:
  • Violife
  • Miyoko's Creamery
  • Daiya
Plant-based butter brands:
  • Miyoko's Creamery
  • Kite Hill
  • Earth Balance
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For AMERICAN HEART MONTH (February), 10% of all sales from our "Original White" variety will be donated to the American Heart Association

As a mother daughter duo in business who both suffer from severe heart conditions, we were inclined to activate this fundraiser to Do Dam Good™ not only by donating money, but also by raising awareness about women's cardiovascular issues through sharing our stories. - Denise (owner) and Olivia Weale (operations manager)

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